Ever been in a situation where it is damn if you do and damn if you don’t? How should you handle yourself? How must you handle a complex, confusing and often emotional situations? Do not hesitate or falter because of doubt! Never forget patience always trumps pride and humility will always lead you to higher […]
Come to think of it——
If I am genius to the depths only seen and felt by souls perhaps older than any time that ever existed—- what does it mean? How should it used and for what purpose? If pure, nutritious and healing wisdom flows powerfully out of me like light would for the universe where there was only one […]
lust—Love—TRUE LOVE ??
(L)lust —-desires, emotions and passions fired up too fervently—way too fast—too unwisely until someone else is needed and someone else must surely go. The flames purifies nothing ,its joy always seems sad and in the end its only reward is destruction. Its cost are higher than a mountain can go and benefits just pebbles at […]
Unfortunately in this world—– and most likely in many other worlds—– there is Chubby—— plus billions of other people and —- one pie—– to feed all the multitude of needs, desires, wishes and hopes of all those who have been, of all those who are and all those who will be! Chubby was part of […]
Everywhere without any religions or gods
Everywhere without any religions—–where only the very best of the very worst does its worst impeccably —– this means anywhere you go—– no matter how much you want one there is not even one thing close to a god and a religion—– this means if there is an almighty it is no doubt “Evil” and […]
“Reality” is what everything is, can possibly be and what will ever be. It has been this way from its beginning to its end–what ever that will be or can be! It can be asked by anyone of us is “Reality” created by existence or is it wrong to think that existence is the favorite […]
You really can!
You really can——– if you are patient, kind, listen well, let empathy grow deeper and deeper within yourself and let your intellect learn from anything to everything —even from mistakes! You really can——-if you remember it takes far more of many things to fall and get up than never to fall at all! You really […]
Faulty politics works flawlessly when——
Faulty politics works flawlessly when——politicians are pals, one of the guys or buddies to far too many people. When politicians easily get more and more people to believe them than any political situation really needs. When it should be so obvious so many politicians are not friends to honesty ,justice or anyone who would voted […]
Big boot stomping hard on my big toe
Stomping and a stomping on my big toe with a really heavy foot in a bodacious boot— in a good world— this would never happen. In a world better than ours my big toe would probably be safe. However, in our world all toes are open game for any monstrous foot and grossly over seized […]
So where is God?
There is no doubt or question with God mankind—-that means each and every one of us—- can and will be the best and most completely perfect beings we can possibly be! Without God mankind—–yes that is all of us—- will never be what we should and could be! No matter what we think, learn, create […]