
Come to think of it——

If I am genius to the depths only seen and felt by souls perhaps older than any time that ever existed—- what does it mean? How should it used and for what purpose? If pure, nutritious and healing wisdom flows powerfully out of me like light would for the universe where there was only one sun—   how did I please the unknown to give me time  and insights to so ? Did I seek greatness for myself far better than some self glorifying god  ever could? Did I proclaim far better than anyone else that hate is a good and loyal warrior—making sure nothing stops me from truly loving yourself? Or is my genius and wisdom a blessing  from the” Greatness” that is out there everywhere? Come to think of it——my gifts and your gifts have the best meaning—the most profound purpose— if we use them to help as many people  we can— as much as we can!

You wonder how all the rules and forces came together to make space and matter. If you wonder this you have to ask how did matter become living and how did matter get so smart to ask what the hell am I and what is all this about? In other  words —how did why get so intelligent to ask itself why? Come to think about it– why and how did matter become living ,intelligent ,unique, able to pass through countless generations and become beautiful children with innocent tears, warm hugs, adorable smiles, the great need to have faith in others and their wonderful laughter—–just to be destroyed by all the evil around them! So once again—-come to think of it—what is the point of matter  becoming you or me. It is better for matter just to stay matter.

When the rock became you and me—this means and the you and me of the past, present and future—–the first thing we faced is ignorance—-the “Unknown—-everything we do not know or understand that effects us— everything reality demands of us and will punish or reward us on what we do or do not do. So come to think of it—–life is a journey of getting rid of as much as we can of the unknown. thus taming as much of reality as we can. To do this we must be strong and really believe in ourselves. We must not have any pride because it too easily and too often fools us to believe we know and understand enough. Do not worry about this—humility easily  flushes pride away. Religion uses faith helps to deal with the unknown and the fear and emptiness it puts inside us . Religions are fine if they promote kindness for all, allow free thinking and want to learn more and more of the unknown. Come to think of it —-is not the unknown all there is to know of God and his greatness.If a religion is unwilling  to learn more  of the unknown and change when it needs to are they not grossly limiting themself to really know God and his wonders. Come to think of it—–are there not thousands of churches and many religions—-none are completely right none are absolutely wrong—-but surely they can come together to make world closer to being right.



we can not have pride