Unfortunately in this world—– and most likely in many other worlds—– there is Chubby—— plus billions of other people and —- one pie—– to feed all the multitude of needs, desires, wishes and hopes of all those who have been, of all those who are and all those who will be!
Chubby was part of this and did well until he took a little more of the pie than he should. He did this just because he could. This might have been a little greedy but the pie was good and greed was so nice it would never betray or hurt him or anybody else! Chubby felt strongly that he was just one of so many how could he hurt anything!
Chubby became better and better at taking what he now needed more and more —-the pie!
Now there is just Chubby! The billions of people are no more because Chubby devoured every morsel of the pie!
There will never be another pie! There will never be enough people to make one! Chubby will soon no longer exist and another Chubby will never=== ever be again