Category: Uncategorized


Second most important thing you must do is to be able to make decisions. Far above this you must make_____ THE CORRECT DECISIONS! The best way to do this is to seek, find and understand—- What Is—and What’s Up—-The Truth. There is nothing short of the truth _____also you will never go far enough to […]


If all you ever do is good just f0r you that is very good for you.  If things are so good for you it would be best if you lived forever because you and good get along so well! Do not be a fool — take all the good there can ever be just for […]


Aliens  Ain’t Shit( At Least  For Now)—– all of them—yes every one of them!  They seem so unbelievably awesome and powerful simply because we are still just a poor form of some kind of diarrhea— but hopefully for not too much longer This means we must not be impressed so easily and foolishly not look […]


Are you in a place in your mind where you do not know where you are?—-!! Are you in the cold of hopelessness, pointlessness and doubt? Is the swirling and swirling of confusion ,chaos and perilous disarray                                      […]

Love —–True Love

Love is when two minds share love as best they can for as long as it lasted. True Love is when two Souls share love Perfectly—-Forever!

Frank and Fanny

Frank and Fanny hated each other with all the power they had with in them. This was not good for anyone to hate so much , but what made this hate the worst of all—- was the fact that Frank and Fanny were brother and sister. Frank and Fanny—as well as many others—- did try […]