
Big boot stomping hard on my big toe

Stomping and a stomping on my big toe with a really heavy foot in a bodacious boot— in a good world— this would never happen. In a world better than ours my big toe would probably be safe. However, in our world all toes are open game for any monstrous foot and grossly over seized boot. So all you can do is make your big toe really strong, watch where you are going and hope for the best!

Now this does not mean you are not going to explosively try and find a bigger foot and boot within yourself to do some major toe stomping yourself—you have to take care of your special big toe. This is great if there is the possibility for you to do so. However, in this world too much of the time all you can do is cry, scream and holler

So in life —what are you to do? It is true you can do something if you are lucky enough to find the right –something— and know how to handle it —so your big toe can be out of the reach of any big footed boot forever or at least for a very long time—– but mostly your big toe— be damned— for the very most you can do is very little, if not nothing

There is one more strategy however for us to throw into the game or has been thrown into the game by some partially empathetic big footed boot. The insidious kindness of this strategy tells each and every one of us not to worry about the pain and harm a huge boot with a gigantic foot in it does to our big toe while stomping it—– because in the infinite else where’s of too many worlds—– there are for sure the biggest feet in the biggest boots thrilled to be stomping all the toes of all the people that they can find—- all the time!

In a world ran correctly—-everything would be the best for all people or at the very least everything for all people would always be getting better and better! But in our world most people will have to settle for the big foot and boot stomping our big toe. You and I are suffering because we desperately need our life to be tolerable– to be happy even joyous once in a while. Unfortunately the only way for us to do this is to realize, remember and become experts in fooling ourselves—that the world and too many lifes are in a bad way— that there is far too much big toe stomping —- but things are really okay because truly things could be a lot worst! Once said— not by a fool— but by someone just like you and I—“hunger is so bad I do not want to live yet starvation is horrible– thank god I am alive and hunger is not so bad after all.”

Therefore the bottom line of all this is———- we all are heroes of the highest order equal and above any god we can dream up! If we love so much our gods we surely should love everybody!