Second most important thing you must do is to be able to make decisions.
Far above this you must make_____ THE CORRECT DECISIONS!
The best way to do this is to seek, find and understand—- What Is—and What’s Up—-The Truth.
There is nothing short of the truth _____also you will never go far enough to be able use anything beyond the truth—-if you believe there is____hopefully ignorance will work it’s foolery to comfort you .
To find your way by making the proper decisions you must surely know what type of ground you are standing on! Is it level, is it rock solid—-letting you easily see far and near?
I pray you are not standing in some sort of quagmire barely letting you see anything_____ playing viciously it’s ferocious game of letting you wish long and hard, that somehow you may luck out and free yourself of this near total blindness and thus finally finding the right way.
Lastly are you not standing on any ground but tumbling in quicksand sinking deeper and deeper into darkness where you will always love and cherish your doom.
Remember wisdom follows people who do not play around with facts. They know what is true____ if an apple is in their hand—that is what is in their hand.
Dangerously dippy, not kooky but for sure harmfully zany are those who are illusional. These people see facts as worthless —cheap , rusty and slimy toys. They promise everyone they have the sweetest apple in their hand but is really a rotten salami. There is some h0pe for these people —if the smell or flies gets so bad they fling the filth from their mind and forever p[ace the best apple in their hand.
Delusional means no heart, mind or soul will ever be used because the mind set does not want anything that can make you think. ‘Truth can have all the facts there could ever be but will never find anywhere, somewhere, nowhere or everywhere—- let alone happiness ,fulfillment and joy____ because those who are delusional are incapable of ever using it. What’s Up might as well be what is down—– What is is really what’s aint. When a mind is forever locked up there is no way in hell anything bad or wrong is going to get out! If a mind is closed and very hard nothing good, new,true or enlighting will ever get in!
If you are to find your way be factual—-make decisions knowing what you have in your hands! Il[lusiosns waste the little time life gives you and may or may not free you to find the truth and the very best ways or paths to really find where and what you want to be!Hate, creed, apathy. pride, jealousy. lust impatience, self doubt. liking to talk more than listening, religions who work way too hard to prom0te and protect what the know and believe—instead of learning more so they will know better what to forget, Science standing tall but in the right place, traditions not creating and justifying bad things and blind narrow minded foolishness—— lets delusional tyranny pr0pagate