Frank and Fanny hated each other with all the power they had with in them. This was not good for anyone to hate so much , but what made this hate the worst of all—- was the fact that Frank and Fanny were brother and sister. Frank and Fanny—as well as many others—- did try to find out why Frank and Fanny absolutely despised each other . The answer that came up time and time again was they were just too different! Fanny saw the world as many people called conservatives do. Frank love being seen and called a liberal——even though he did not really know what a liberal should actually do and think. To Fanny— this made Frank a fool!
Frank never had a day when Fanny was not picking ,eating or glorifying her apples—especially her green apples. He hated apples and Fanny for loving apples so very much. To Fanny hating such a beautiful blessing as an apple is disgusting and sub human—just the way she saw her brother every day for so many years .
Frank had no use for Fanny because he loved beyond anything shoes—–big, small, weird looking ,shoes with colors that would make you laugh, cry or make you sick for week just by looking at them.
Fanny had to look at and hate Franks shoes everyday and think how strange. disgusting and different he was to what a normal person is! God she hated Frank and Frank surely hated Fanny!
It is for sure that differences are easily used to make hate and hate makes it even easier to create even more invalid differences——making killing and wars simple to start and impossible stop!
Remember completely difference things like a shoe and an apple can have similarities but no matter how many similarities you find an apple and a shoe will be two different things forever
It is also true that same thing can have differences—many of them— but will always be the same thing. Apples have many types, seizes, colors and flavors—- but still are apples. Red shoes must be a shoe before it can be a red shoe! Frank and Fanny hatred for each other came about and flourished because they did not see their difference came from the same thing—-being human —they are both the same thing—not different at all!
You can not be any religion, ethnic group, any race, any citizen of any country—- you can not be you without being human first. Stop using made up differences and live the rest of your days by what love has always known we are all the same thing–humans