Month: August 2021

The vote is god

In a representative democracy a person’s only access to political power, the only means an individual has to say I exist and I am of great value is the vote. So the vote is a god because it it can provide for all the needs of every human on this planet. However, this type of […]

Do not forget to remember

Always remember you are never too old to be a fool —– equal to or greater than anybody far less experienced and younger than you. The best way to be a fool like this is to forget you are never too old to be young.

“You better watch like a hawk”

Of all the things in life as we know it and all the things in life we know nothing about and never will there are three things that must be watched like a hawk.First doctors because they can kill you with their incompetence .Secondly lawyers because they will cleverly make a fool of you before […]

Johnee ” T T ” and his Johnee “ETTES

Johnee “TT” given name is Johnathan Trully Truthful.His father,Mr.Honestmore Truthful and his mother,Mrs.Franklee Truthful often spoke highly of morality and all the wonderful and fundamental truths morality embraces .Johnee’s parents knew that love contained everything needed for peace ,ever lasting prosperity and human fulfillment on all levels of existence.They never doubted that the most quintessential […]